Sunday 31 October 2010


Well, loads.  I'll summarise.

My first Tournament after returning to the game was great, but inherently disappointing, as a tiny misplay saw me lose the final to the admittedly rather damn good Daniel.  I had him 1-0, but he came back, though I had him on the ropes in 2, before he trashed me in 3 by basically drawing his sidedeck in the opening hand.  I should have won, but didn't.  Meh.

Since then, I've been a bit disappointed with the deck's overall performance.  Simply put, even the weenier X-Sabers can go toe-to-toe with Gadgets, and other decks almost always stomp right over them.  Gearframe can hold it's own, mostly, but Thunder Kings are a fucking pain in the hole, and the Machina element is far from solidly secure anyway, primarily because of Peacekeeper's inherent defensiveness...that and Neos Alius decks maining Cydras, or just the sad fact that my innovation of bringing Crossout and Extermination into everyone's maindecks, by using them myself, sees my deck fail miserably when I'm called upon to go defensive.  Frankly, if I didn't main a Veiler, and thus had no Tuners, I think I would have had to completely give up on the deck by now.  Or buy Pots of Duality, and that is NOT a pleasant idea.

At least Debris Dragon, which these guys have mostly now adopted as their main deck-of-choice, isn't as bad a match up for me as bloody Neos and the strangely unpopular Sabers.  Everyone's played Sabers for a while, and they are a bit burnt out and bored with it.  Understandable.  I get that a lot.  Lucky gits have the card pools, of course, to change to Blackwing (yeah, right!) or DAD, or Lightsworn, or whatever they want.  I no longer have that option in my arsenal, and it gets irritating.  Ho-hum.  I'm currently working on a Relinquished Deck, a Dark World Deck, and I still haven't tested that DinOTK...I'll get around to that eventually.  Meantime, I suck it up, and tweak my Gadchina.


Thursday 7 October 2010


Thinking of trying out some sort of Dinosaur Deck after a casual comment (about how potentially good Fossil Dig was) was met with derision and a general put-down of the Dinosaur Archetype.  So, I plan to create at least a medium quality Dino deck.  Not beyond me, even this little back into the game, me thinks...sure, it'll be no X-Sabers, or won't be even as good as Monarchs, probably...but it's worth a shot.  Gotta be as good as Psychic OTK, right?

Initial thoughts - there are two ways to approach this.

Either the 'standard' beatdown with my super-powered Dinos...or go all rentsy, and try for a Mass Driver/Black Ptera burn.  The latter sounds lots more fun.  ;)

So, shortlist for that deck:

3 Black Ptera
3 Nimble momonga
Spirit Reaper
1 Toon Cannon Soldier
2 Frostosaurus
3 Gilasaurus
1 Effect Veiler
3 Broww

2 Gold Sarc
2 Different Dimension Capsule
3 Mass Driver
3 Fossil Dig
2 Dark World Dealings
2 Monster Reincarnations
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
3 TToC

2 Cylinder
2 Ultimate Offering

A few over 40, as you can see...but shaping up okay, IMO.  Just need to trim a bit,. and try to keep the ludicrous amount of thinning.  I really don't want to resort to Dark Room of Nightmare to make it work, no.  lol.

Sunday 5 September 2010

So, my current deck, and my only one thus far from this Format...

Monsters - 16

3x Yellow Gadget
3x Red Gadget
3x Green Gadget
3x Machina Fortress
3x Machina Gearframe
1x Machina Force

Spells - 15

1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Limiter Removal
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Mystical Space typhoon
2x Solidarity
3x Smashing Ground
3x Book of Moon

Traps - 9

1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Royal Oppression
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
3x Dimensional Prison

Side Deck - 15 (duh!)

3x Banisher of the Radiance
3x Cyber Dragon
2x Sakaretsu Armor
2x Malevolent Catastrophe
2x Divine Wrath
2x Trap Hole
1x Solidarity

Welcome to MIND CRUSH!

Hi, and welcome to MIND CRUSH! the Yu-Gi-Oh analogue of my well-known-but-not-exactly-giant Warhams Blog, Mind War FTW.

Basically, I set this up in case I feel the need for YGO related blogging, cos I don't want to sully what is primarily a 40k blog by spamming Deck lists and recollections of spectacular trades etc.  It won't even be as frequently updated as MWFTW, most likely, so don't feel bad if you can't be arsed to check more than once a week.  As I get back into the game more properly (ie, once I see the true horror that is Synchro turn 1 victory 1st hand!) I've little doubt that I will post a bit more.  For now, all I can offer are recollections of the game back before I quit 3 years ago, my current decklist, and smug comments about how I always rated cards like Ordeal of a Traveller, Needle Ceiling and Rescue Cat that have since come into their own.  Hell, I always loved Desert Sunlight too.  And Compulsory Evacuation Device, before it became cool, though Monarchs became pretty big not long afterwards, and kinda killed it.

Anyway, welcome to the blog!